Friday, August 31, 2007

get your Charles fix here.....

what's up word on that fresh shipment of diapers. I'll keep you posted.

don't we all wish we could sleep in various awkward positions....

there is about a thee week difference between this picture and the one's before it...this is Charles at his new home in Naples, Fl.

lots of naked baby here due to the heat....

just a few random pics

ok - it's not Charles but my little niece Ellie...but I couldn't resist such a cutie pie....

Charles with family folk...

Charles' great grandmother....

Charles and Mimi (Chad's mother)

...and Chad's sister

(sigh) "yes Pop, I know that the South should have won the war. You said that ten minutes ago..."

Gran (Ans' mom) and 'Aunt' Betty

Charles with his cousins...

Ashlynn...Ansley's brother's daughter

Ellie and Addie...Chad's sister's daughters

as cute as this picture is, please do not fail to notice what Charles is wearing...this is, in fact, why Ellie was kissing his hand

larger family shots...I like the second one - Charles' beauty shot

'I'm just too cute...' says Charles

our going away party...and loading the Uhaul

they forgot that Charles also needs a Canadian flag...

...and they thought they were going to a good-bye party - little did they know it was a 'help Chad get his junk into the Uhaul' party

our day of dedication of Charles to the Lord