Sunday, September 28, 2008


So, it seems that after Charles hit one, nothing terribly exciting is going on from a picture-only perspective. Sure, he's growing up and it's fun to see, but it's hard to show the good stuff with still shot (and it's hard to keep the ol' Charles blog interesting unless we mix it up a bit). Although we don't own a proper video recorder, Mac computers come w/ the ability to capture video through their i-Sight. I haven't the foggiest idea how good the quality will be, but we've got some footage that should be heading your way soon. For those who have never seen Charles in action, you won't be disappointed.

Executive Editor of "We Said We'd Never Do This" (a title, by the way, that refers to making a blog, not making a baby)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know you could also post about mom and dad... :)