just weeks ago, if you tried to get Charles to stand, he'd buckle.
but now, with a little help from dad....
he's all about standing! yeah for Charles! he's now standing for lengthy periods of time. ok - admittedly, this is not the most exciting thing in the world, but we're hurting for new pics for the site...seems age 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 months is a lull in new stuff. he's just getting better at everything he's been doing - better hand-eye coordination, better response to his name, and better shouting when he's not getting his way. however, we promise to do our best to keep the pics coming!!! and you'll be the first to know if anything "new" happens...
I was looking through my photos and I saw one of us at the park picnicking. Thought I'd google you and see if I could find you. Wow- Charles is very cute. It's crazy what happens when you lose contact with someone... I'd love to hear from you. My email is kmparman@gmail.com.
How are you doing? This is Rachel Deal. Every now you cross my mind and so I thought I would google you and this is what I found(along with some of your sermons). It looks like you have a beautiful family. I'd like to hear from you sometime if you even remember who I am. My email is rgunter_274@hotmail.com. Take care.
I don't know if you remember me... my name is Rachel Deal. Every now and then you cross my mind and so I googled you and found this as well as some of your sermons. I was just wondering what you were up to and how you were doing. You have a beautiful wife and a very handsome son. I'd like to hear from you- my email is rgunter_274@hotmail.com.
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